
Vine’s You Can Learn New Testament Greek! is unavailable, but you can change that!

Let the one you’ve trusted for word studies for years teach you to read the New Testament in Greek! Created by W.E. Vine, the trusted author of the world’s most-used expository dictionary, this book is a “teach yourself” course for those who have no previous knowledge of Greek. Designed especially for the layperson, you’ll start by learning the Greek alphabet and by the third lesson you’ll be...

LESSON 32 RULES OF SYNTAX (CONTINUED) (d) DEPENDENT CLAUSES Note—Sentences containing dependent clauses consist of a principal clause containing the main subject and its predicate or verb, and one or more subordinate or dependent clauses. These latter may be formed in a variety of ways, as follows:— (I) OBJECT CLAUSES. Here the subordinate clause is itself the object of the verb in the principal clause. Thus in Matt. 9:28, Πιστεύετε ὅτι δύναμαι του̂το ποιη̂σαι, the clause from ὅτι to ποιη̂σαι