
Collected Writings of W. E. Vine is unavailable, but you can change that!

Vine is known as a classical scholar, a skilled expositor, and an acute theologian. This landmark five-volume edition includes all of Vine's known commentaries and writings on biblical studies and theology. Some of the topics covered are: The Scriptures and How to Use Them, The Divine Inspiration of the Bible, The Person and the Work of Christ, The Church, and The Second Coming and the Last...

He who has not learned to tremble at God’s Word is not fit to expound its truths. Simple mental apprehension of the meaning of Scripture is imperfect machinery for giving instruction in it. Where the mind is darkened spiritually, educational training is unavailing in this respect. For there are two sides to the sacredness of Scripture; it is both holy itself, and is intended to make men holy. The power of the Word to affect the heart and mold the life is the great reason why we are bidden to “take