
The Via Pulchritudinis: Privileged Pathway for Evangelisation and Dialogue is unavailable, but you can change that!

In Vatican II’s pastoral constitution Gaudium et Spes, the Catholic Church expressed the need for the Church to set itself before the needs of the cultures of the world. The document lays out the relationship between the Church and the cultures of the world—that they shouldn’t be alien to one another, but should enrich each other with every developing technology, artistic expression, professional...

Biblical illiteracy sterilises the capacity for comprehension of Christian art.24 A combined effort must be taken to overcome a difficulty which has arisen due to the cultural climate nourished by art criticism broadly influenced by materialist ideologies. Highlighting only the aesthetic-formal aspect of works, without interest for the content which inspired such beauty, such ideologies sterilise art, stemming the living and life-giving stream of spiritual life, limiting it to the world of emotions.