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Experts in their respective fields provide an authoritative perspective on the fundamentals of theology. Extensive treatment of all the classic areas of theological concern—God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, man, sin, salvation, sanctification, the Scriptures, the church, and more. Contributing authors include: • Robert Gromacki • Earl Radmacher • John Witmer • Robert Saucy • John...

of the Gospels, there is no mention of Jesus as “King of Israel.” There is, however, direct reference to the title “King” in Revelation 19:16, where the Rider of the white horse is called “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.” These words, which refer directly to our Lord, were included in the great “Hallelujah Chorus” of The Messiah by George Handel, first performed in Dublin, Ireland, in 1792. Christian preachers since John Calvin have proclaimed Jesus’ three roles as Prophet, Priest, and King. As