
A Handbook on the First Letter of John is unavailable, but you can change that!

This set of detailed commentaries provides valuable exegetical, historical, cultural, and linguistic information on the original text. Over the years this series has been instrumental in shedding light on the Scriptures so that translators all over the world could complete the important task of putting God's Word into the many languages spoken in the world today. Over the years church leaders...

The stylistic structure of this section is in several aspects parallel to that of the preceding section. Its first verse states the theme that to know God means to follow his commandment. Next, in vv. 4f, 6–8 and 9f, three propositions of the false teachers are quoted, similarly as in 1:6f, 1:8f, and 1:10–2:2, but now introduced by “he who says.” Finally, v. 11 closes this section, and at the same time connects it with the preceding one, by echoing the reference to light and darkness of 1:5–7. The
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