
A Handbook on the Gospel of John is unavailable, but you can change that!

This set of detailed commentaries provides valuable exegetical, historical, cultural, and linguistic information on the original text. Over the years this series has been instrumental in shedding light on the Scriptures so that translators all over the world could complete the important task of putting God's Word into the many languages spoken in the world today. Over the years church leaders...

A number of complications may be involved in rendering the Jews have rules about ritual washing. In the first place, a phrase such as ritual washing may be equivalent to “being acceptable to God by washing,” but such an expression may be difficult to combine readily with the meaning of “rules.” One way of expressing these relations is “In the way in which the Jews worship God, they have many rules about how to wash themselves” or “In order for Jews to make themselves acceptable to God they must obey
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