
Treasures from John, Volume 2 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Treasures from John, The second volume provides verse-by-verse commentary on the second half of John (chapters 11–21). It includes two appendixes: one on the case for a Thursday crucifixion, the other on the controversies surrounding The Da Vinci Code.

Unleavened Bread, that Friday was an ordinary weekday, and the next day, at the end of the weekly Sabbath, as it was beginning to dawn into Sunday (that is, about 5:50 p.m. on Saturday evening), Christ arose from the dead. They claim that the resurrection took place at dusk of Saturday evening, not Sunday morning before dawn! {Let me remind you again that this view would still have Jesus rising on a Saturday before 6:00 p. m. His spirit entered the heart of the earth when He died around 3 p. m. He
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