
The Torah Story: An Apprenticeship on the Pentateuch is unavailable, but you can change that!

Working knowledge of the Torah is essential for every serious student of the Scriptures. Written in an engaging and accessible voice, even while digging into difficult and complicated matters at a sophisticated level, The Torah Story emphasizes the content of the text itself, moving beyond debating dates and theories of authorship into understanding how these five key books of the Bible help us...

ways in the Torah. The arrangement of the tribes around the dwelling of God in Numbers, for example, is affected by the mother of each tribal head as well as by the narrative accounts in Genesis and Exodus (see Chapter 21). In this respect the stories of the ancestors explained even the particular identity of the tribes of Israel. Cattle grazing on slopes of Israel In sum, Jacob was a deceiver when he lived at home and a deceiver when he lived away from home; he was still a deceiver when he returned
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