
Tools for Preaching & Teaching the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

Too often we purchase a book with high hopes that it will be what we were looking for, only to be disappointed. Tools for Preaching and Teaching the Bible is an excellent resource providing Bible-believing Christians with sound and dependable advice for selecting the tools—books—that will help shape their ministry. These are books that Dr. Custer can wholeheartedly recommend, having compiled them...

should recognize that these passages are the Word of the living God, filled with spiritual truth that he needs for his own Christian life. A method absolutely necessary to the success of the others is the devotional study. The student should never come to Scripture with the idea of finding truth that applies only to someone else. He must come to the Bible looking for a personal blessing for himself. When he finds it, it will surely be worth sharing with others. As the old expositor J. A. Bengel said,
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