
Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

“The book of Revelation is, I fear, a very neglected book. Its symbolism belongs to the first century, not to our own age,” says Leon Morris in the preface to his commentary on Revelation. Here he explains the significance of the symbolism and shows the bearing of the message of Revelation on the problems of the day in which it was written.

her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head (cf. Song 6:10). In this symbolism we must discern Israel, the chosen people of God. ‘She comes standing upon the Old Testament revelation of reflected light and clothed with the New Testament revelation which is as the sun shining in his strength’ (Torrance). The twelve stars will be the twelve patriarchs or the tribes which descended from them. The symbolism is that of Joseph’s dream (Gen. 37:9; cf. also Test. Naph. 5:3–4). In view of this Old Testament
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