
This Strange and Sacred Scripture: Wrestling with the Old Testament and Its Oddities is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Old Testament can seem strange and disturbing to contemporary readers. What should Christians make of Genesis 1–3, seemingly at odds with modern scientific accounts? Why does the Old Testament contain so much violence? How should Christians handle texts that give women second-class status? Does the Old Testament contradict itself? Why are so many Psalms filled with anger and sorrow? What...

Wolves and Whales “The story of Little Red Riding Hood may serve to caution mothers not to send their young daughters on dangerous errands as well as to teach little girls not to stray from the straight path, be their intentions ever so laudable. In no circumstances, though, may it be used … for instructing zoologists in the anatomy of wolves.” Yehuda T. Radday, “Rivers of Paradise,” 29 “When Melville wrote Moby Dick, the central concern of his work was not whaling per se so much as the effect of
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