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Theologians of the Baptist Tradition is an effort to preserve and discover the Baptists’ “underappreciated contribution to Christianity’s theological heritage.” Theologians Timothy George and David S. Dockery present a volume of essays to serve as a resource for pastors, students, and teachers and as an introduction to the life and thought of some of the most notable shapers of Baptist theology. ...

three “ought thoroughly to be received, and believed. For we believe, that they may be proved, by most undoubted authority of Holy Scripture and are necessary to be understood of all Christians.”13 Reflecting this same impulse, the Baptists who gathered in London for the inaugural meeting of the Baptist World Alliance in 1905 stood in that assembly and recited in unison the Apostles’ Creed. Fundamentalism arose in the early part of this century as a protest against the concessions and denials of
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