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Theologians of the Baptist Tradition is an effort to preserve and discover the Baptists’ “underappreciated contribution to Christianity’s theological heritage.” Theologians Timothy George and David S. Dockery present a volume of essays to serve as a resource for pastors, students, and teachers and as an introduction to the life and thought of some of the most notable shapers of Baptist theology. ...

church as canonical (excluding the Apocrypha and other “spurious writings”), Gill expounds in turn the authority, perfection, and perspicuity of the Bible. Gill asserts without equivocation the divine inspiration and total truthfulness of God’s written Word. To be sure, he does not spend much time trying to explain precisely how the Scriptures were inspired. However, he clearly affirms the divine origin of the Bible; the biblical authors were “under the impulse and direction of God in all they wrote.”
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