
Through Tears to Triumph: God’s Gracious Help through Grief and Sorrow is unavailable, but you can change that!

A stanza of an old gospel song states, The Saviour can bear ev’ry sorrow, In Him there is comfort and rest; No matter how great the affliction, He only permits what is best. Every sorrow? Even shock? numbness? guilt? anger? memories? loneliness? sleeplessness? exhaustion? Even losing your beloved spouse and child? Is there a way to go through any calamity and come out on top? Will deep...

a snowmobile and a small boat for fishing, which we all loved to use. We traveled to England, Israel and Guatemala. We planted two churches in Ontario. We spent part of our two years with ABWE in South Africa, evangelizing in that needy country after spending twenty-nine years of pastoring in Canada. We endured the health threat of Louise’s breast cancer. Ruthie was with me from the beginning to the end of her earthly life. During kindergarten, she announced that she was going to be a teacher. She
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