
The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Abridged in One Volume is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament is considered by many to be the best New Testament dictionary ever compiled. It contains 2300 entries which cover the spectrum of biblical topics from “A to Z.” The one-volume abridgment of the 10-vol. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, keeps most if not all of the information that pastors and laypeople can use, leaving out the technical...

Words of this stem all have the basic sense of ability or capability. dýnamai means a. “to be able” in a general sense, b. “to be able” with reference to the attitude that makes one able, hence sometimes “to will,” and c. (of things) “to be equivalent to,” “to count as,” “to signify.” dynatós means “one who has ability or power,” “one who is powerful”; the neuter adjective signifies “what is possible or practicable.”