
Surveying the Pauline Epistles is unavailable, but you can change that!

Surveying the New Testament series unites nineteen esteemed Bible teachers, to accomplish one lofty task: to provide a user-friendly, theologically conservative, and financially affordable resource within the grasp of every serious student of the Word. This series provides a big picture overview of all 27 books of the New Testament, one chapter for each book. Each chapter begins with a concise...

What one regularly prays for is an excellent indicator of the spiritual temperature of his or her life. These verses record Paul’s continual prayer for his readers and demonstrate his spiritual mindset. Every request on Paul’s “prayer list” has something to do with spiritual growth and is centered around the Father and the Son. Paul intercedes on behalf of his readers, asking God that they would: 1) be filled with spiritual wisdom and the knowledge
Colossians 1:9–14