
Saint Bernard on the Love of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

On the Love of God addresses the reasons we ought to love God and the manner and different degrees of this love. St. Bernard teaches that God Himself is the motive of our love for him and that nothing is more reasonable and nothing more profitable than loving him. He then lays out the degrees whereby the soul proceeds from loving God for its own sake to loving the self only for God.

reason is such glorying termed vainglory, because it fails to rest upon the solid rock of truth. The Apostle distinguishes this from just glory by saying: “He that glorieth may glory in the Lord, that is in the truth, for God is truth.” We see then that there are two things to know: First, what we are; then, that we are not such of ourselves. If we miss either of these two, we either shall not glory at all, or the glory that we take to ourselves will be “vain.” Finally, “if thou know not thyself,
Pages 8–9