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Alexander Maclaren’s Sermons for All Seasons is a compilation of fifty-two scholarly, insightful sermons. Originally published in two volumes entitled A Year’s Ministry, these sermons demonstrate Maclaren’s years of experience in ministry; his precise, scholarly approach to the study of Scripture; and the eloquence of this famed expositor and orator. Maclaren’s sermons will undoubtedly touch you...

“This do for a remembrance of Me!”—a memorial rite, and as far as I know, nothing more whatsoever. Nothing more, certainly, insofar as Christ’s own solemn declaration of its purpose, and of His intention in establishing it, can be supposed to go. Notice further about this first part of my subject: of what the Lord’s Supper is a memorial; viz., “A memorial of Me,” of Me! I do not need to dwell upon what I have hinted already, the remarkable way in which Christ deals, as One Who has authority, with