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Benefit from the incredible wisdom of Charles Spurgeon, passage by passage. Spurgeon’s writings on the Bible fill dozens of volumes; his thoughts on particular passages are scattered across numerous books and sermons. This volume collects his thoughts on 2 Peter in a commentary format, with illustrations and applications culled from his sermons and writings. Use Spurgeon’s application-oriented...

2 May grace and peace be multiplied to you You have some measure of these choice blessings. May you have a great many times as much! When we go to the multiplication table, we not only multiply by two and by three, but we can multiply by a hundred, we can multiply by ten thousand. Oh, that God would thus multiply to us the grace and the peace that he has already given to us! You will perceive, dear friends, that the apostle Peter wished to see this divine life in a healthy and vigorous state, and
2 Peter 1:2