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Written in 1987, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (Solicitude for Social Issues) was John Paul II’s second social encyclical. In it, the pontiff elaborates on Catholic social teaching and applies its principles to the problem of under-developed and developing nations. Central to this social teaching is that all aspects of social action must “respect and promote all the dimensions of the human person.”...

proclamation is always more important than condemnation, and the latter cannot ignore the former, which gives it true solidity and the force of higher motivation. 42. Today more than in the past, the Church’s social doctrine must be open to an international outlook, in line with the Second Vatican Council,73 the most recent Encyclicals,74 and particularly in line with the Encyclical which we are commemorating.75 It will not be superfluous therefore to reexamine and further clarify in this light the