
The KJV Standard Lesson Commentary, 2017–2018 is unavailable, but you can change that!

The KJV Standard Lesson Commentary is perfect as the primary resource for an adult Sunday school class and personal study or as a supplemental resource for any curriculum that follows the ISSL/Uniform Series. Standard Lesson Commentaries combine thorough Bible study with relevant examples and questions to provide 52 weeks of lessons in a single volume.

Canaan Kay-nun. Chaldees Kal-deez. Charran Kar-an. El-Shaddai (Hebrew) El-Shad-eye. Haran Hair-un. Ishmael Ish-may-el. Keturah Keh-too-ruh. Mesopotamia Mes-uh-puh-tay-me-uh. Terah Tair-uh. Ur Er.
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