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Originally written to educate South Indian teachers in the basics of the Gospel, this primer by Lesslie Newbigin addresses the unique misunderstandings of the Tamil people to whom Newbigin ministered. The Tamil language was so limited, says Newbigin, that 1 Timothy 1:15 might as well be translated, “Christ Jesus came into the world to provide free board and lodging to rascals!” With this...

person. He is a Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one God; one personal being in whom love is perfect and complete because love is both given and received. The Father loves the Son and the Son loves the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. When we say ‘God is Love’, we mean that the fulness of love exists in God. But fulness of love only exists where love is both given and received. Fulness of love cannot exist in an individual. Therefore also when God created man in His own image, He created
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