
The Pastoral Epistles is unavailable, but you can change that!

1 and 2 Timothy and Titus were once read as individual collections of traditional material—liturgical formulae, lists of virtues and vices, household codes, and codes for church order—but more recent studies have elucidated the coherence of each epistle. This volume exhorts readers through explicit and implicit, positive and negative examples, and through arguments that seek to ground ethics...

that women should lead domestic lives in subordination to men and nurturing children. New Testament literature, however, creates a different understanding of God’s purpose for humanity. Jesus is presented as no warrior, but as suffering a violent death without violent resistance, and God is said to have raised him from the dead. Those who identified him as the messiah were to follow his example in lives of unaggressive and unselfish love through God’s inspiration. In this new social ethos, women
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