
Semeia 68: Honor and Shame in the World of the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

Semeia is an experimental journal devoted to the exploration of new and emergent areas and methods of biblical criticism. Studies employing the methods, models, and findings of linguistics, folklore studies, contemporary literary criticism, structuralism, social anthropology, and other such disciplines and approaches, are invited. Although experimental in both form and content, Semeia proposes to...

taken them to be pronouncements of curses or threats, while others treat them as if they were prophecies of judgment or cries of anguish. In order to understand both the makarisms and woes, however, one must examine them in terms of their relationship to blessings and curses. This is necessary to establish their force as well as distinctiveness. Yet neither makarisms nor reproaches can be properly understood apart from their place in an honor/shame value system, the pivotal values of the Mediterranean.
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