
Can I Be Sure I’m Saved? is unavailable, but you can change that!

Many people in the church today are plagued by doubts about their salvation. Satan whispers that it is impossible that sinners such as they could be in a state of grace, and some churches compound the problem by teaching that it is possible for believers to lose their salvation. But assurance of salvation is possible in this life. Indeed, as Dr. R. C. Sproul argues in this Crucial Questions...

When I was in seminary, one of my fellow students polled the students and the faculty members as to whether they were sure of their salvation. More than ninety percent of the respondents said they were not sure. Moreover, they thought it would be arrogant for someone to claim to be sure of his or her salvation. They saw the idea of assurance not as a virtue but as a vice. There was a negative connotation to the very pursuit of assurance of salvation, because it