
Saved without a Doubt is unavailable, but you can change that!

Do you ever struggle with the insecure feeling of not knowing for sure if you will go to Heaven? Is there any way to overcome that doubt? With pastoral love and concern John MacArthur answers the second question with an authoritative yes! He carefully examines the biblical texts affirming the forever quality of salvation, but does not ignore the troubling passages that seem to indicate otherwise....

In 1746, about six years after the Great Awakening, in which Jonathan Edwards was the primary instrument of God to preach the Gospel and bring about the greatest revival in American history thus far, Edwards wrote A Treatise Concerning the Religious Affections. He wrote it to deal with a problem not unlike one we face today: the matter of evidence for true conversion. Many people want the blessings of salvation, especially eternal security, but no
Pages 67–68