
Salvation Is More Complicated than You Think: A Study on the Teachings of Jesus is unavailable, but you can change that!

A set of common questions arises when it comes to matters of salvation: • Do I have to live a godly life to be saved? • Can anyone be sure of salvation? • What happens if I fall into sin or turn away completely? • How did Jesus answer these questions? Not, according to Alan Stanley, in the way that we often do! In this powerful and deeply challenging book, Stanley argues that the notion of...

he is Lord. Of course, I’m not saying that any of us do this flawlessly. We all struggle to love and obey God; we struggle to enjoy him; we struggle with sin; we struggle in all sorts of ways. But you will have to be the judge as you read as to whether you fit into the category of a fellow struggler on a journey or someone who acknowledges that Jesus is Lord while knowing that he is not Lord of your life. The third reason I want this book to reach people is because I see the entire New Testament—
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