
Salvation Is More Complicated than You Think: A Study on the Teachings of Jesus is unavailable, but you can change that!

A set of common questions arises when it comes to matters of salvation: • Do I have to live a godly life to be saved? • Can anyone be sure of salvation? • What happens if I fall into sin or turn away completely? • How did Jesus answer these questions? Not, according to Alan Stanley, in the way that we often do! In this powerful and deeply challenging book, Stanley argues that the notion of...

salvation. Evidently we need a more biblically nuanced understanding of “works.” Not all works are the same; not all are opposed to faith. Some works express and complete faith. Moral efforts of human nature in its sinful state of bondage, apart from God’s Spirit (Paul’s “works of law”) cannot save, because nothing has value that does not flow ultimately from God as its origin. But the fruit of the Spirit is otherwise: “He who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life” (Galatians
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