
Revealing Jesus as Messiah: Identifying Isaiah’s Servant of the Lord is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Messianic songs of Isaiah have been called the “Fifth Gospel” for their rich insight and illumination of the Christ and His mission. Stuart Sacks, Jewish believer, musician, author, and broadcaster shows us how these fascinating sections of the prophecy of Isaiah point to one person as the Jewish Messiah.

1 The times and heart of Isaiah With at least 800 occurrences in the Old Testament, the term, servant, carries with it a wide range of meaning and application. Primarily, ebhed denotes one whose will is swallowed up in another’s—in other words, a slave. Yet it is important to note that in ancient Israel the term did not necessarily bear all the negative connotations associated with it today. Moreover, the title has a grand element as well, and it is this aspect of servanthood which Isaiah develops
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