
Restless Devices: Recovering Personhood, Presence, and Place in the Digital Age is unavailable, but you can change that!

We’re being formed by our devices. Today’s digital technologies are designed to captivate our attention and encroach on our boundaries, shaping how we relate to time and space, to ourselves and others, even to God. Our natural longing for relationship makes us vulnerable to the “industrializing” effects of social media. While we enjoy the benefits of digital tech, many of us feel troubled with...

This book is written with an awareness that the status of the digital media landscape will continue to evolve and change—iterating new forms of sociability and life ways—and that there is, for the most part, no going back. There are also so many aspects of our modern life that digital technologies touch—our families, our work, our leisure, our friendships, our spiritual journeys—that it is simply impossible to address all the different issues and questions about our digital life that need challenging,
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