
Romans: Interpreted by Early Christian Commentators is unavailable, but you can change that!

This Church’s Bible volume brings together select lengthy excerpts from early Christian writings on Romans, Paul’s most comprehensive statement of Christian teaching. J. Patout Burns Jr. has judiciously chosen extended passages from such church fathers as Origen, Rufinus, Pelagius,Chrysostom, Ambrosiaster, Augustine, and Theodoret, enabling readers today to benefit from the church’s rich treasure...

some perfection for yourself. Still you must not think that you have once again been deprived of all justice. My objective is not to question you about your own justice, since I fully expect that none of you would dare to claim to be righteous. No, I am asking about your faith. As none of you would dare to claim, “I am righteous,” none would dare to say, “I am not a believer.” I am not questioning how you live but asking what you believe. You will answer that you believe in Christ. Have you not heard
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