
Rhetorical Criticism: Context, Method, and the Book of Jonah is unavailable, but you can change that!

Phyllis Trible examines rhetorical criticism as a discipline within biblical studies. In Part One, she surveys the historical antecedents of the method from ancient times to the postmodern era: classical rhetoric, literary critical theory, literary study of the Bible, and form criticism. Trible then presents samples of rhetorical analysis as the art of composition and as the art of persuasion. ...

into a “mirror for narcissistic self-reflection”?28 Though such questions constrain reader-centered meanings, they need not invalidate the orientation. After all, readers endure.29 . Articulation of meaning offers many possibilities for author, text, and reader. Some critics find this situation untenable. A single meaning ought to prevail, and yet it does not. Other critics find the more meanings the better. Potential chaos seems not to matter. The rhetorical criticism developed here works
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