
The Reign of the Servant Kings: A Study of Eternal Security and the Final Significance of Man is unavailable, but you can change that!

Can a true Christian lose his salvation? If he cannot, then is there a danger of moral liberty? It has been many years since a comprehensive book on the doctrine of eternal security has been published. The Reign of the Servant Kings, approaches the subject from a distinct and refreshing perspective which draws heavily from the viewpoints of both Calvinist and Arminian interpreters. Joseph Dillow...

of a literal earthly kingdom. Their emphasis upon the will of the writer of the book yields such a conclusion. The Protestant doctrine of the analogy of faith has, in practice, sometimes become what might be called “theological exegesis.” What started as a valid attempt to allow other Scriptures to help interpret the meaning of obscure passages has gradually become a method of interpreting obviously clear passages in a way that will harmonize with a particular theological tradition. Instead of permitting
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