
Revisiting Paul’s Doctrine of Justification: A Challenge to the New Perspective is unavailable, but you can change that!

Since 1963, substantial objections have been raised against the traditional view of the Pauline doctrine of justification, mainly by New Testament scholars such as Krister Stendahl, E. P. Sanders, and James D. G. Dunn. This book evaluates the “New Perspective on Paul” and finds it wanting. With appreciation for the important critique already offered by Donald Hagner, which is included in this...

My impression, however, is that the emphasis on boundary markers or national righteousness, in fact, pushes justification by faith very much to the periphery, making it pertinent only to the Gentiles. The problem is a bigger one than simply holding the two emphases in balance. Despite Dunn’s claim, I do not see how his approach can do anything but take all vitality out of the doctrine. That some valid insights have emerged in the new perspective on haul, I do not wish to deny. I find myself doubtful,