
Reformed Dogmatics, Volume 4: Holy Spirit, Church, and New Creation is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this, the final volume in the landmark Reformed Dogmatics series, Bavinck examines the role of Christ in a believer’s life. In Part I he develops the Reformed views of Calling, Regeneration, Faith, Conversion, Justification, Sanctification and Perseverance. The doctrine of the Church becomes the discussion in Part II as Bavinck looks at the Church’s Spiritual Essence, The Church’s Spiritual...

[434] And this is absolutely correct for the following reasons: 1. Scripture leaves no doubt that the gospel may and must be preached to all creatures. Whether we can square this with a particular outcome is another question. In any case, the command of Christ is the end of all contradiction. The rule for our conduct is only the revealed will of God. The result of that preaching is certain not only according to those who confess predestination but also on the position of those who only recognize
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