
Reading Acts is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Acts tells the story of what happened after the death and resurrection of Jesus. The book is filled with adventure and entertainment as Acts narrates God’s activity among his people and the world. In this book I explore one way of reading Acts that attends closely to the plotline of the book and seek to invite readers into the story that Acts tells. Along the way, I examine some of...

witnesses can continue to “tell the people all about this life” (5:20). Third, Peter’s proclamation challenges the temple authorities to recognize their ignorance in crucifying Jesus of Nazareth lest they be found to be judged by God. Peter’s quotation of Ps 118:22 (“this stone rejected by you the builders has become the chief cornerstone”) demands that the temple leaders recognize that they are “the builders” who stand in the way of God’s new work. At the heart of Acts 4 and Ps 118 is the theme
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