
Reading the Word of God in the Presence of God: A Handbook for Biblical Interpretation is unavailable, but you can change that!

Every time we read the Bible, we’re reading in the presence of God. This incredible truth should shape how we read in specific ways. Moving quickly from principle to practice, Vern Poythress helps us rethink how we interpret the Bible by showing us the implications of entering into God’s presence as we study. This handbook outlines distinct steps for practicing faithful biblical interpretation...

merely to our own ideas that arise while reading. Some false religions claim that each human being is really divine in his core. If this were so, we could gain understanding merely by listening to this inward, allegedly “divine” self. But that is antithetical to God’s way that he reveals in Scripture. In sum, the Creator-creature distinction leads to rejecting pantheistic mysticism, where readers think that they are themselves divine and listen for the “divine” within them rather than really listening
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