
Reading Karl Barth: A Companion to The Epistle to the Romans is unavailable, but you can change that!

Karl Barth’s 1922 The Epistle to the Romans is one of the most famous, notorious, and influential works in twentieth-century theology and biblical studies. It is also a famously and notoriously difficult and enigmatic work, especially as its historical context becomes more and more foreign. In this book, Kenneth Oakes provides historical background to the writing of The Epistle to the Romans, an...

There are other difficulties with this first break. On the one hand, the early “liberal” Barth never felt attracted to some of the more revisionist and extreme positions within the “liberal” camp. For instance, Barth never felt all too attracted to comparative religious study, to the idea that God is merely an ethically useful postulate, or to the more radical revisions of Christianity happening in the first search for the historical Jesus in figures like David Friedrich Strauss. On the other hand,
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