
Reading Genesis 1–2: An Evangelical Conversation is unavailable, but you can change that!

Old Testament scholars come together in this one-of-a-kind book to share diverse views on Genesis. Seven specialists in Old Testament theology and interpretation come together to offer a variety of needed biblical perspectives and insights on how to interpret the first two chapters of Genesis correctly. Evangelical scholars, college and seminary professors (and their students), and pastors will...

from a literary, exegetical, historical, and theological point of view. The view taken here is that the account in Gen 1 begins with the universe as a whole (Gen 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”) and then step by step unpacks the parts that make up the whole (Gen 1:2–2:3). The author (whether we have the divine or the human author in mind) shaped the story of creation around what was observable and understandable to the ancient Israelites. Like the text, we need to start
Pages 8–9