
40 Questions about Typology and Allegory is unavailable, but you can change that!

A survey of two literary devices that are indispensable for understanding salvation history. A biblical type is a person, place, or thing in salvation history that corresponds to a later person, place, or thing in the scriptural text. An allegory is a passage that says one thing in order to say something else. Both are common literary devices in the Bible that are vital for understanding truths...

When interpreters recognize a type, they are reading a biblical text in light of redemptive history and progressive revelation. A carpenter is still engaging in his craft no matter if he is repairing a kitchen table or building a house. The scope and scale, however, is vastly different. With exegesis, an interpreter may be focusing on a specific passage or a series of passages across the canon. Typology is exegesis across the canon of Scripture. Truly, the largest context in which to understand any
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