
40 Questions about Typology and Allegory is unavailable, but you can change that!

A survey of two literary devices that are indispensable for understanding salvation history. A biblical type is a person, place, or thing in salvation history that corresponds to a later person, place, or thing in the scriptural text. An allegory is a passage that says one thing in order to say something else. Both are common literary devices in the Bible that are vital for understanding truths...

We have already seen some examples of types fitting the first half of that definition: Jonah is a person, sacrifices are part of the sacrificial institution, and deliverance through the ark was an event. We will see later, though, that offices and places and things can be types as well. The verbs in the latter half of the definition have been carefully chosen. Types are anticipatory (“anticipates”),9 there are correspondences between type and antitype (“shares correspondences with”), the antitype
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