
Numbers—God's Presence in the Wilderness is unavailable, but you can change that!

Like the Israelites who wandered in the wilderness, Christians today are in the midst of a journey between events of deepest significance—the death of Christ that was the exodus from bondage to sin and death and Jesus' second coming to usher his children into the true and final promised land as a glorious destination to the journey. Author Iain Duguid seeks to aid both pastors and laypeople on...

However, God’s blessing on his people is so much more than having enough in our cupboards to eat and nothing to cause us to worry. Otherwise many of us would have to conclude that in reality we are not so very blessed right now. There must be more to God’s blessing than that—and there is. The priestly benediction unpacks the deeper aspects of the Lord’s blessing in two vivid and related images: “The LORD make his face to shine upon you”—“the LORD lift up his countenance upon you.” True blessing
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