
Proverbs: A Shorter Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

Since 2004, Bruce Waltke’s magisterial two-volume NICOT commentary on the book of Proverbs has been recognized as a definitive exegesis of the Hebrew text, groundbreaking in its illuminating analysis that the authors and redactors of Proverbs had organized their material into discernible clusters and groupings. Waltke and Ivan De Silva here offer an abridged and revised version of the preeminent...

Proverbs divides humans into the “wise and righteous” and the “fools and wicked.” We are indebted to Knut Heim for his cogent recognition that these word pairs are correlative terms—that is to say, they differ in their semantic domains (“skill” versus “ethics”) but refer to the same person and so are inseparable.65 For example, “Vice President of the US” and “President of the US Senate” are correlative terms since they do not belong to the
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