
The Prophets as Preachers: An Introduction to the Hebrew Prophets is unavailable, but you can change that!

The prophets of the Old Testament times were among the most persuasive preachers in all of history. Smith uses communication theory and the sociology of knowledge to analyze how the preaching of the Old Testament prophets were able to change individual lives, influence the world’s greatest leaders, and cause entire nations to repent. He reaches beyond the traditional presentations of Scripture...

the words to be, “Watch out for the star,” miscommunication would occur. Successful communication involves the reception of the intended idea from the source person.9 Sounds and gestures convey an intended meaning that may or may not be correctly interpreted. If the message does not make sense to the listener or is interpreted to mean something unintended, a breakdown occurs in communication.10 Barriers to communication might include: noise which distorts or interrupts the message, ignorance about
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