
The Problem with Evangelical Theology: Testing the Exegetical Foundations of Calvinism, Dispensationalism, and Wesleyanism is unavailable, but you can change that!

There is no doubting the legacy of the Protestant Reformers and their successors. Luther, Calvin, and Wesley not only spawned specific denominational traditions, but their writings have been instrumental in forging a broadly embraced evangelical theology as well. In this volume, Ben Witherington wrestles with some of the big ideas of these major traditional theological systems (sin, God’s...

one mediator to bring about that reality. This is clearly a different sort of theology than that found in some quarters in early Judaism (e.g., at Qumran) which suggested that the one God had one chosen people, and the only way one could be saved would be to be born into or to join that chosen people. Here the theology is a “one for all, and all for one” theology.29 L. T. Johnson is right to stress: “Nowhere in the New Testament is such an inclusive hope for humanity comparably expressed.”30 What
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