
Poor Man’s New Testament Commentary, Vol. 1: Matthew–John is unavailable, but you can change that!

This first volume of the New Testament commentary covers the four Gospels. You will be deeply impacted by Hawker’s rich commentary on the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. Take an intimate tour with Hawker through the first century alongside Jesus and his disciples.

womb of mercy. And the ground on which she hoped it was, that JESUS is the Son of David, meaning, GOD in human nature. GOD and man in one person; Emmanuel GOD with us. Let not the Reader overlook this. Here is a poor woman, a Gentile, pleading for mercy, with CHRIST, because he is CHRIST; while thousands who saw JESUS daily, knew nothing of him! Whence could this be? Surely from the LORD himself. So that we gather two grand truths from the case of this woman, illustrated as it is, by her history;
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