
The Gospel according to Matthew is unavailable, but you can change that!

In the Christian Church the Gospel of Matthew has been considered the most important portrait of Jesus' life and message. Containing Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and a uniquely rich collection of parables, among many other things, Matthew has made a major contribution to the church throughout the centuries, and it still has much to say to the church today. This superb commentary in the Pillar...

disinclination to engage in disputes, that is admirable, but Jesus is talking about more than that. He refers not to peace-keepers but to peace-makers, people who end hostilities and bring the quarrelsome together. Argyle points out that these are “not appeasers, but those who actively overcome evil with good.” A person may be known as one who ends hostilities throughout his whole sphere of life, whether that sphere be great or small.30 It is people like this who will be called God’s sons. There
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