
Colossians and Philemon is unavailable, but you can change that!

Exhibiting the same brilliant exegesis and sound practical insight found in his previous works, noted commentator Douglas J. Moo, in this new volume, not only explains accurately the meaning of the letters to the Colossians and to Philemon but also applies that meaning powerfully to twenty-first-century readers. Moo attentively interacts with the Greek text of these letters and clearly explains...

And with this point we turn to our second issue, the significance of the language. Without denying the reality of a future resurrection with Christ, Paul, following his typical “already/not yet” paradigm, asserts that those who belong to Christ have already experienced a “spiritual” resurrection with Christ. Because they are “in him” and Christ has himself been raised to sit at the right hand of the Father, so believers can be said to have been “raised with” him.8 The TNIV rendering of Paul’s imperative,
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