
The Plurality Principle: How to Build and Maintain a Thriving Church Leadership Team is unavailable, but you can change that!

Foundational to a healthy church is a biblical model of church leadership. In the New Testament, church leadership is rarely a one-person endeavor—it is built around a plurality of elders working together, each bringing their own unique skills and gifts to the cause of shepherding the flock God has entrusted to them. There are many benefits to this model of leadership: being part of a team helps...

Third, a plurality with no senior pastor denies a legitimate avenue of service to elders with a distinct gift of leadership and a godly desire to bear this responsibility. Where power exists, it should be defined and identified for what it is. But these models often ignore the reality of power dynamics that push and pull the eldership. At least with a senior leader, power is more defined and transparent; it comes with the role. But a plurality with no senior pastor allows for unmapped and unaccountable
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