
Pulpit Pages: New Testament Sermons is unavailable, but you can change that!

Gain insight for Bible study and inspiration for preaching with this collection of sermons from Baptist pastor Chris Benfield. With hundreds of sermon outlines on 25 books of the Old Testament and 25 books of the New Testament, this collection is packed with exposition and applications for everyday living. Accessible and engaging, this library of sermons is a valuable guide to those looking to...

▪ Now, wheat was used for making bread and other baked items. Barley was often used to feed the livestock, sometimes eaten by poor people. So, for those fortunate enough to have a job with all the war and famine, a day’s wages would feed only one person well (wheat), or only 3 people poorly (barley). Whatever the case, there’ll be some difficult choices. Who eats and who doesn’t? The Tribulation will be marked by great starvation. ▪ Consider these statistics in our day of plenty: 15 million children
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